Star Trek
The Blue Flower Of Freedom
A story about Kes
Will she overcome her greatest challenge?
(This is the sequel to the story Gateway to the Garden of Eden)
© Kes Website 2015 (the author is known
to the owner of this website)
This story can be downloaded and read by Kes fans and fans of Star Trek Voyager.
But further spreading and selling of this material is prohibited without the
permission of the owner of this website.
Star Trek Voyager and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount
The characters of the Lynx-crew were created by the imagination of the author
J.R. Olson and have their pre-histories in his tales: Coming home, Strange
dreams and Kes‘ vacation.
Chapter 1
Kes looked at the small monitor on the left.
It showed the picture taken by the rearward optical instruments of Voyager, a
radiant star, flanked by several small, bright spots. One of them was her old
home world – Ocampa.
The farewell had been hard, especially to Veratis, the one year old Ocampan girl,
for who she felt as for a younger sister. She would have liked to come along
with Kes, was curious and adventurous as she was, when she had left so many
years ago with Voyager for the journey of her lifetime.
Kes had decided to return with her friends to her new home on New Carlisle. Her
nation she knew safe, guarded by a powerful protector, stronger than the
Caretaker had been in his time. Nevertheless, she wished to visit her people
again soon, but there was no other ship existing, which could have made it
possible. Starfleet probably would not hand over Voyager again for a trip to the
Delta-Quadrant. A little hope she had left. Novak was staying with Seven Of Nine
and Sonny Saxon at the engineering of Voyager, to observe the
Coaxial-Quantum-Slipstream-Drive in action. There was quite a chance that her
friends would consider to equip with such a device their own ship, the Lynx.
"Mr. Tuvok, enable the deflector and open a portal!" She heard Captain Chakotay
say. A violet beam lit up the space on the large main screen of the Voyager
bridge, then in a flash of light opened a translucent, tunnel-like structure,
which branched out to all sides. A huge jolt ran through the ship, as it shot
into the slipstream. Kes had to cling to her seat and nearly gave a shove to
Admiral Janeway, who sat beside her. Tom Paris had a firm grip on the rudder
stick, put it to the right, to the left, pushed it to the front and pulled it
back towards him, steered to the left, turned left again, then right.
All of a sudden green lightnings flashed on the large monitor. Voyager was
shaking even more than she had done it on her wild ride before. Sparks flew from
Harry Kim's console. "Something's wrong here!" Paris shouted, "I cannot keep her
in the slipstream!" The vibrations suddenly stopped and there was silence. Kim,
who had been thrown to the back by the electrical discharge, returned to his
place. "Report!" said Chakotay. "Minimal damage throughout the ship, no
casualties," Harry reported after a while. "What happened, where are we?" asked
Admiral Janeway. On the main screen the star studded black space was seen. "Definitely
not where we wanted to go," said Tom. "We still find ourselves in the
Delta-Quadrant," Tuvok spoke up, "I am going to ascertain our exact location."
"A ship is approaching, it shows a Borg signature!" Harry Kim reported tensely.
"Red alert! maximum shields, vary their frequency for a random pattern," ordered
Chakotay. On the monitor a sphere of anthracite color with rough surface
structures showed, which grew quickly. "We are being scanned," said Harry, "they're
permeating our shields!"
A blinding green light flooded the bridge of Voyager. When it went out after a
short time, Kathryn Janeway looked beside her. Kes' place was empty.
"Engineering to bridge!" Sonny Saxons voice rang out excitedly over the
loudspeaker, "What the hell was that? Down here almost everything failed, and –
Novak has disappeared!"
Chapter 2
"They are permeating our shields!" Kes had
heard Harry Kim say, then she was wrapped by a blinding green light and it felt
as if a giant hand would grab her and tear her from the bridge of Voyager.
Now she stood in this room, from which she could not tell how big it was. A dim
light filled it, the air was hazy and smelled of running machines and hot
conduits, similar to the atmosphere in the engineering of Voyager.
In mist the outlines of a female figure emerged, which walked toward her. First,
Kes noted that the woman was wearing a kind of skintight, black armor, only head
and shoulders were unprotected. Her skin shone oily in greenish light, letting
affect the shape of her bald head virtually skull-like. Instead of hair, thick
cables grew out from the back of her head. Dark, almost black eyes fixed Kes and
gave her a cold shiver running down the spine.
"Sincerely welcome," said the woman. Never before, Kes had heard these friendly
words pronounced with an accent so profoundly malicious. "You little, pesky,
unworthy beast," the Borg continued, "ally of our most detestable foe! In
everything you did or were hoping for, you now utterly have failed, because you,
yourself it will be, to lead your own people into the collective. We will add
your abilities to ours and shape them according to our needs, so that they serve
a higher goal. Ocampa – your imperfect, stupid little creatures who know nothing
but to live from what drops from others tables, or what the dust under your feet
offers you as food, neglecting your mental powers until they waste away or turn
against yourselves. To us they will serve to perfection. Once we have
assimilated them, nothing will stop us. Our mind will be filling the galaxy and
then the entire universe, all times and all spaces. The chaos will come to an
end. A single will shall be, and trillions will let one voice to be heard. – We
are Borg! We shall recreate the world from the beginning.
"Never!" Kes said in a loud, firm voice. In her simple gray dress she stood
ramrod straight, facing the Borg Queen, without showing the slightest sign of
fear. "I will never serve you and your goals! Rather, I'm going to die!" – "Dying?
No," said the Queen. While she drew these words in length with relish, she
showed the hint of a smile on her otherwise rigid face. "You will not die, not
in a way you imagine. When the ashes of your puny body will long have been gone
with the wind, your mind still will be serving us. But – he – will die, and the
longer you're going to defend yourself against us, the longer and more painful
his agony will be." Her right hand was pointing upwards. Kes followed with her
eyes the outstretched arm of the Borg and saw a cage which was lowered slowly at
several chains. She immediately recognized the man in it, who clung with both
hands on the bars. "Novak!" Kes cried in horror. "Kes! Take no heed to me!"
Novak shouted, "do not surrender to this cursed witch!" Two burly drones grabbed
Kes and dragged her away. "Resistance is futile," she heard the Borg Queen say
yet, then she was taken to a dark place.
Darkness and silence. Only from afar the sound of any operating units could be
heard. Kes looked around, but could see nothing.
The dull sound of the machines seemed to go away even further, when she thought
she heard sudden voices from the darkness. – Kes listened intently. – There were
two, talking quietly and gently to her, voices she had not heard for such a long
time, but were deeply familiar to her. "Kes," they both said at the same time, "Kes,
do not be afraid, do not defend yourself, let it happen. – Annethkestrin –
fulfill your destiny!" – "Father? Mother?" Kes whispered. – But there was
Kes felt two painful punctures at her throat and moaned briefly. She could feel
the nano-probes shooting into her blood. In her head a whisper of thousands of
voices began to spread, which swelled to a mighty noise. She became quiet calm.
– Then she also whispered. A single, small word came from her lips: "freedom."
The word was taken from the noise and disappeared inside. – Then it came back to
her, thousands of voices saying it very clearly: "freedom." – Kes caught the
word again and now she cried it out of her lungs into the darkness: "FREEDOM!"
A blue, nearly blinding light flashed in the dark and began to envelop her. Kes
felt as if she was dissolving therein, almost like then in the shuttle of
Voyager, when she was going to turn into a being of pure energy. But now the
light transformed. Kes could see shapes forming in it. She saw flowers, – blue
roses, – thousands of them, they stood close together, like the ears of a
cornfield, reaching up to the height of her hips. Kes was in the middle between
them. The picture became clearer, a landscape of rolling hills. The field of
roses extended itself over them to the horizon, above all a blue sky with
delicate white clouds widened. Kes felt gentle, pleasant warmth on her skin. She
turned around, and looked in a low evening sun. Kes breathed in the scent of the
flowers, with her hands she softly stroke them, they felt like fine silk.
A whimper reached Kes' ears. She turned around. It came out of her shadow. Amid
the roses she saw a woman's body in front of her, lying on its side. The woman
raised her head and turned her face to Kes. Her skin was of speckled gray.
Blinded by the bright light, she kept her eyes almost closed as she looked at
Kes. "What have you done," the fallen Queen moaned, "where are the others? I
cannot hear them. – I'm alone." "No, I am with you," said Kes quietly, knelt
beside her and propped the woman's head with her hand. "You defeated me," the
Borg wailed, "you, the small Ocampa, you have destroyed everything – it's all
gone." "It is not my desire to destroy, I only want to be free," said Kes, "come
on, get up!" Getting up, Kes grabbed the woman's hand, pulled her up and put her
on her feet, saying: "I want that you are free, as I am, and all the others also
should be free." Now the Borg opened her eyes. In the evening sun's light they
appeared amber. Her eyes met Kes' blue eyes. For a moment of silence, both stood
facing each other. Kes released her hand. A bright light shone around the Queen,
disappeared the thick cables at the back of her head, Kes thought for a brief
moment to recognize long, shiny black hair. Then the light wrapped her
counterpart, quite slowly dissolved into a pillar growing from the ground
towards the sky and, like a shooting star, disappeared into its blue. At the
same instant, around Kes, out of the vastness of the wide field of roses,
millions of the same phenomena ascended. For a moment they offered the sight of
a gigantic, silent fireworks, then also vanished in the blue of the sky. – Kes
was left in amazement.
Chapter 3
Kes heard a rattling noise from afar. She
tried to find out where it came from. Carefully she made her way through the
closely standing roses. After a few meters only, she stepped out of the field
and found herself on a wide road, which led straight to the horizon. Thereupon
something approached, she first thought it was a large animal with curved-back
horns and a single big eye in the middle below. On the back of this "beast" the
figure of a man was sitting astride, who had apparently grabbed it by the horns.
Then Kes realized what was coming towards her. A picture of something like that
she had seen on Voyager, when Tom Paris held a lecture on, – what was its title
again? – Ah! "Petrol-powered vehicles of the twentieth century on Earth." The
two-wheeled vehicle was quickly approaching, and the rattle became so loud that
Kes had to protect her sensitive ears with both hands. The man on the motorbike
waved at her. He was wearing a worn leather jacket, blue jeans and cowboy boots.
He brought his bike to a stop just in front of Kes and the loud rattle ceased.
"Hi Kessie baby!" he said loudly, as if he still would have to drown out the
engine noise. Kes recognized the face under the with stars and stripes painted
helmet. "Q2!" she exclaimed in astonishment and gave the old acquaintance a
brilliant smile. "Man, Kessie, but that was really tough. My ol' man's
absolutely right when he says that you're something special, the first alien
entity accomplishing on its own getting to our continuum. But needed it
absolutely luggin' along roughly a grillion of Borg drones?" Q asked. – "Oh, I'm
sorry," said Kes, "it just happened." "Good answer," said Q laughing, "suits
you." "Do you know where my friends are?" asked Kes. At the moment she cared
about most. "Aunt Kathy and her cheeky rascals are all right, so far as I know,"
replied Q. "And Novak?" Kes inquired, looking worried. "He," said Q, "comes
right behind me."
And really, in the distance appeared the silhouette of a man on an identical
device as Q had and again loud rattle could be heard. Less than a minute later
Novak parked his bike next to that of Q, brought the motor to remain silent and
jumped off the vehicle. Three little hops and Kes was with him, leaped at him
and hugged him.
"Well, lovebirds," Q said grinning, "now you've but only one wish left." "Oh yes,
please!" Kes cheered, "we would like to go home!" "But ride there on your own,"
said Q and started the engine of his machine. "It's not far, just up ahead
around the corner!" he yelled and turned his chopper in a wide circle around Kes
and Novak. "So then, take good care of yourselves, kiddies, stay clean, and have
fun, – see ye later!" he called in looking back, then rattled off and
disappeared into the distance.
For a moment Kes and Novak silently stood together in the evening light. Then
Novak turned to his machine. "C'm on, get thee up!" he shouted to Kes and jumped
on the vehicle. Somewhat hesitant Kes sat behind him and wrapped her arms around
his waist. Then it got loud again.
The ride started with quite a pretty jolt, and Kes clung tightly to Novak. Over
his shoulder she blinked into the setting sun. She could feel the wind in her
hair and at the tips of her ears. It felt pleasant.
After a short, straight line the road made a slight curve and fell gently. A
brightly lit tunnel lay ahead of them. They roared into it. The inside of the
tunnel seemed familiar to Kes somehow. Novak yanked around the bike, and with
screeching tires, brought it to stand in a sloping position across the travel
direction, shortly before crashing into the rear wall of Voyager's shuttle bay.
It did not take long and the door to the bay opened. Admiral Janeway entered,
followed by Tom Paris and the Doctor. "Kes! Mr. Novak! are you all right, what
happened?" asked Janeway. "We are fine," said Kes. "It's a short but totally
crazy story," added Novak. "Novak, boy! where does the Easy-Rider come from?"
Tom asked, looking at the chrome gleaming machine with almost even brighter eyes.
"Hey! this is The Original Harley Davidson Captain America!" he added
enthusiastically. "It's Q's," Novak replied. Of course Tom could not leave it
without saddling up the bike, starting the motor and at idle playing with the
throttle for a few times. "Mr. Paris!" the doctor shouted in shock, and made a
grim face. He already held a tricorder in his hand, to investigate Kes and Novak
as a precaution. "I have to urge strongly! nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and
a hundred-twenty decibels! Such levels can damage human hearing permanently!"
"Mr. Paris, Mr. Novak!" Janeway said loud and sternly, "I suggest, you take your
toy to a cargo bay and put it within a containment field of class seven!" Tom
stopped the engine and got off the vehicle. "Oh," said Kes, "let me take care of
it." With her right arm she took a widely spreading gesture, snapping her
fingers. A hissing noise sounded and the motorcycle vanished in a blazing flash
of light. "Please, Kes, no!" Paris and Novak shouted in unison. For this purpose,
both made a face like two little boys, whose favorite toy had been taken away.
Novak was first to recover from the shock. "Wow! Kes," he said, "why couldn't
you also bring us straight home?" "Of that I would strictly advise against,"
said a solemn voice from the doorway. Tuvok had entered the room a short time
before. "I propose," he continued, "that we rely for our further journey home on
our technical device and Mr. Paris' skills as a helmsman." Kathryn Janeway
tapped her com-badge, "Janeway to bridge. Captain Chakotay, – here, except for a
bit of thick air, everything is fine. We meet in five minutes at the briefing
room." – "Chakotay here, confirmed, Admiral." – "Janeway, out!"
Chapter 4
The pavilion would have been much too small
to harbor all the people who came together in Kes' garden at this pleasantly
warm early summer evening on New Carlisle. Novak, Sonny and Mike therefore had
requisitioned and brought in a number of tables and seats. Most of the "crazy
bunch of volunteers," as Admiral Paris had called the troops, which brought Kes
to Ocampa and back, was present. Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, the Doctor and Tom
Paris, who had come with B'Elanna Torres and daughter Miral, sat at one of Kes'
stylishly laid tables, while Seven and Tuvok still stood together, engaged in a
discussion. Other guests, including Sonny Saxon and his Amy, Mike Cortez and
Linda, were just about to pounce on Kes' delicious food.
Novak, in company of Harry Kim, joined Sonny and Amy. "Just talked to Mike,"
Novak began, "he is thinking that our Ferengi friend – at extremely favorable
terms, as he says, – again can get sufficient equipment, so that we could
upgrade our Lynx with a Quantum-Slipstream-Drive. What do you think, Sonny boy,
you're going to manage it?" "Guess so, but can take a while, perhaps may get
some help from Torres. Our piece of junk is in need of a general overhaul anyway."
"Did you hear that, Kes?" Novak exclaimed aloud, casually leaning back in his
chair, "we just decided making our bird fit for slipstream, maybe set up a
shuttle service between New Carlisle and Ocampa!" Kes came running. "Honestly?"
she asked and made wide, questioning eyes, "that would be wonderful!" "Wonderful,"
scoffed Sonny, "but here as there the same, harvesting beet, – harvesting potato,
– harvesting beet, in between there's lemonade for a change." "Oh," said Kes, "how
about once having a look at what our friends the Famsters do? – and then we even
could visit Neelix." "What! the Talaxian cockroach," Sonny said angrily,
"putting myself straight on a diet would be the same." "Not a bad idea," chimed
the doctor, who had also been listening from the other side of the table. "Some
of Mr. Neelix's dishes are quite suitable as dietary menus, others have proven
to be excellent appetite suppressants." "Please, Kes, bring me a big hotdog and
a pint," moaned Sonny, "so I can recover from the mere thought of the Talaxian
cookery!" "Well," said the doctor, smiling mockingly, "I thought you wanted to
start dieting." "This is my diet, man!" Sonny answered with angry voice. Kes
stood up in front of Sonny, swung her right arm in a widely spreading gesture,
flicking away her fingers on his plate. Sonny jumped up in a fright and took two
steps backward, where he nearly tripped over his chair. However – it was nothing,
his plate was still empty. Kes tried to pretend as if she were disappointed
about herself, showing her acting talent looking at Sonny with big, sad eyes. –
Then she looked down at the plate and began to giggle. Harry Kim had used the
favor of the second to instantly grasp a cucumber sandwich from the platter and
push it, unnoticed by both, on Sonny's plate. Now all bursted out laughing. "You
miserable bandits!" growled Sonny Saxon and banged his fist on the table, so
that the cups, plates and glasses made a little hop. – Then himself roared with
The party lasted until late into the night. Each and every one of the Voyager
crew had to tell his or her own version of their adventures, and it took some
discussions to synchronize them all. It was well after midnight when it
gradually became more silent. "Really fascinating," Chakotay thoughtfully said ,
"what we have witnessed together in all these years." "Actually, someone should
write a book about us," said Kathryn Janeway. "Oh yes!" Tom Paris agreed, "so in
the style of science fiction stories, written by the writers of the twentieth-
and twenty-first century on Earth." "Yeah exactly!" Novak shouted. "And the
title could then read," Sonny intruded in sonorous and meaningful tone, "Captain
Saxon, the savior of the galaxy, or..." "Or: Super Sonny, the terror of the
universe," Novak cut him off, and patted his buddy on the shoulder. "How about,"
said Kes with gentle voice, glancing out at the starry night, "simply – Star
Trek Voyager."