The Voyager Crew

The almost definite list of the crew

After spending some time at the Memory Alpha website, I decided to make an attempt to come up with a list of the Voyager crew, including characters which are mentioned in the Voyager pocket books. However, it should be mentioned here that the list is incomplete since it does not include crewmembers mentioned in books written after Kes's departure. The list does not include characters who arrived after Season 3 such as Seven Of Nine, The Equinox crew and the Borg kids but includes characters who were on screen or mentioned in later seasons since I assume that they were on the ship in the first three seasons.

However there are still some interesting things here. First of all, the list includes 218 names. If we omit the Maquis members (31 total including 11 characters mentioned in books) and characters who came on board after Voyager's arriveal to the Delta Quadrant, such as Kes, Neelix, Naomi Wildman and later additions such as Seven Of Nine, The Equinox crew and such, we'll discover that Voyager, when it arrived in the Delta Quadrant, had 184 Starfleet crew members, not 141 which is the official number. These numbers include Tom Paris and Tuvok but not The Doctor since he wasn't regarded as a Starfleet crewman when the ship arrived in the Delta Quadrant.

However, if we omit the characters mentioned in the Voyager books, (65 characters total) then we can bring down the Starfleet personnel to 119 which is more acceptable. If we omit the crewmembers whose names were visible on lists in alternate universe or dream sequence episodes like "Non Sequitur" and "Projections" (32 crewmembers) we are down to 87 names.

If we omit the crewmembers whose names were visible on lists in alternate universe or dream sequence episodes like "Non Sequitur" and "Projections" (32 crewmembers) but add the crewmembers mentioned in books, we will have total 186 crewmembers.  If we omit the Maquis (31 total including 11 characters mentioned in books) plus Kes, Neelix and Naomi Wildman, we will be down to 152 Starfleet crewmembers when Voyager arrived in the Delta Quadrant. There might also be crewmembers listed here as Starfleet who may have been Maquis. The list on the Memory Alpha page don't always state if some character visible only for seconds or mentioned in some conversation or report was Maquis or Starfleet. There are at least 16 such characters which are questionmarked here.

All of that is, of course idle speculation. But here is at least an almost definite Voyager Crew list.

Name Rank Description Episode Book Category Race Gender Notes
Anderson, Lydia Crewman ? Workforce Starfleet Human Female
Andrews Liutenant Security The Chute Starfleet Human Male
Arkinson Liutenant ? One Small Step Starfleet Human ?
Ashmore Ensign Engineering Learning Curve Starfleet Human Male
Assink Liutenant Tactical The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet Human Male
Ayala Liutenant Security Caretaker Maquis Human Male
Ballard, Lyndsey Ensign Engineering Ashes To Ashes Starfleet Human Female KIA 2374
Bartlett, J. Commander Chief Engineer Imperfection Starfleet Human ? KIA 2371 "Caretaker"
Basatt Ensign Science station Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Starfleet Human Male
Baxter, Walter Lieutenant Command Eye Of The Needle Starfleet Human Male
Baytart, Pablo Ensign Conn Parturition Starfleet Human Male
Bendera, Kurt Crewman Engineering Alliances Maquis Human Male KIA 2373 "Alliances"
Bennet Ensign Ops Innocence Starfleet Human Male KIA 2372 "Innocence"
Bereyt Ensign ? Ragnarok (Voy#3) Starfleet Bajoran Female
Berggren Ensign Engineering The Escape (VOY#2) Starfleet Human Male
Biddle Crewman ? Q2 Starfleet Human ?
Blain Ensign ? Waking Moments Starfleet Human ?
Bokk Ensign ? Marooned (VOY#14) Starfleet Bolian Male KIA 2373 "Marooned"
Boylan Crewman Command Infinite regress Starfleet Human Male
Bristow, Freddy Ensign Engineering The Swarm Starfleet Human Male
Bronowski, Doug Ensign Command Someone to watch.. Starfleet Human Male
Brooks Ensign Command Darkling Starfleet Human Female
Burleson ? Transporter Chief Her Klingon Soul (Day Of Honor #3) Starfleet Human Female
Cabot, Zayra Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Female
Campbell, Lyssa Ensign Engineering Marooned (VOY#14) Starfleet Human Female
Canamar, Valerie Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Female
Carey, Joe Lieutenant Engineering Caretaker Starfleet Human Male
Carlson Ensign Ops Worst Case Scenario Maquis Human Male
Cavit, Aaron Lieutenant Commander Command Caretaker Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371 "Caretaker"
Chakotay Commander Command Caretaker Maquis Human Male
Chapman, William Lieutenant ? Someone To Watch.. Starfleet Human Male
Charnock, Ed Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Chattaway, Jay Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Chell Crewman Engineering Learning Curve Maquis Bolian Male
Chichester John Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Christenberry, Ian Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Chronister, Richard Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Codron, Art Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Craig, Claudia Ensign ? Imperfection Starfleet Human Female KIA 237?
Culhane Ensign Engineering Prime Factors Starfleet Human Male
Dalby, Kenneth Crewman Engineering Learning Curve Maquis Human Male
D'Angelo, Dick Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Darwin, Frank Crewman Engineering Meld Starfleet Human Male KIA 2372 "Meld"
Dawson, Peter Ensign Engineering Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Starfleet Human Male
De la Garza, Bob Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
De Moraes, Lisa Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Female
Delaney, Jenny Crewman Stellar Cartography Time And Again Starfleet Human Female
Delaney, Megan Crewman Stellar Cartography Time And Again Starfleet Human Female
Dell Crewman Engineering Omega Directive Starfleet Human Male
Dembinski ? ? The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet Human ?
DeShay Ensign ? The Garden (VOY#11) Maquis Human Male
Dorado Crewman ? Hunters Starfleet Human Female
Doyle Crewman Science Repression Maquis Human Male
DuChamps ? Tactical Her Klingon Soul (Day Of Honor #3) Maquis Human Male
Durst, Peter Lieutenant Ops Cathexis Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371 "Faces"
Dvorak, Marta Ensign Science station Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Maquis Human Female
Eg'gyrs ? Ops Chrysalis (VOY#12) Maquis Human/Romulan Male
Emmanuel Crewman Engineering Year Of Hell Starfleet Human Male
Evans ? Ops Ragnarok (Voy#3) Maquis Human Male
Fairman, Paul Ensign Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Maquis Human Male
Farley Ensign ? Memorial Starfleet Human ?
Felice ? ? The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet Human ?
Fernandez, Kristine Lieutenant Ops The Killing Game Starfleet Human Female
Filz ? Transporter Chief The Final Fury (VOY#9) Starfleet Human Male
Fitzgerald Doctor Doctor Caretaker Caretaker (VOY#1) Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371 "Caretaker"
Fitzpatrick Crewman Command Prime Factors Starfleet Human Male
Foster Crewman Ops Lifesigns Starfleet Human Female
Fowler Ensign Engineering Chrysalis (VOY#12) Starfleet Human Male
Frazier Liutenant Security The Murdered Sun (VOY#6) Starfleet Human Male
Gallagher Crewman ? Macrocosm ? Human Female
Gennaro Crewman ? Displaced Starfleet Human Male
Gerron Crewman Science Learning Curve Maquis Bajoran Male
Gibson Crewman ? The Haunting….. ? Human ?
Golwat Ensign Ops Flashback Flashback Starfleet Bolian Female
Grimes Crewman Conn Lifesigns Starfleet Human Male
Hamilton Crewman Conn Investigations ? Human ?
Hargrove Lieutenant ? Eye Of The Needle Starfleet Human Male
Harper Ensign ? Course Oblivion ? Human Female
Harren, Mortimer Crewman Engineering Good Shepherd Starfleet Human Male
Henard Crewman Engineering State Of Flux Starfleet Human Male
Henley, Mariah Crewman Command Learning Curve Maquis Human Female
Hickman Ensign Astrophysics Scorpion Starfleet Human ?
Hoffman Ensign Transporter chief The Escape (VOY#2) Starfleet Human Female
Hogan Ensign Engineering Alliances Maquis Human Male KIA 2372 "Basics"
Hutchinson ? ? Mosaic Starfleet Human Male
Iglesias, Pablo Ensign Ops Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Starfleet Human Male
Imbro Liutenant ? The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Male
Jackson Crewman ? State Of Flux Maquis Human ?
Janeway, Kathryn Captain Captain Caretaker Starfleet Human Female
Jarot, Juliet Ensign Science Counterpoint Starfleet Human Female KIA 2376?
Jarvin Ensign Engineering Parallax Maquis Human Male
Jarvis Crewman Engineering Projections Starfleet Human Female
Jenar ? Technician The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet ? Male
Jenkins Ensign Conn Warhead Starfleet Human Female
Jetal, Ahni Ensign Engineering Latent Image Starfleet Human Female KIA 2373
Jonas, Michael Ensign Engineering Alliances Maquis Human Male KIA 2372 "Investigations"
Jones Crewman ? Lifesigns ? Human ?
Jor Crewman Engineering Repression Maquis Human Female
Jourdan, Erin Ensign Ops The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet Human Female
Kale, Greta Ensign ? Mosaic Starfleet Human Female
Kaplan Crewman ? Vis a vis ? Human Female
Kaplan, Marie Ensign Security Future's End Starfleet Human Female
Karlock Liutenant Security The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Male
Kayla Ensign ? Chrysalis (VOY#12) Maquis Bajoran Female
Kellar, Zon Ensign Conn The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet ? Male
Kes Crewman Nurse Caretaker Other Ocampa Female
Kim, Harry Ensign Ops Caretaker Starfleet Human Male
Krevorr Ensign Conn The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet Ktarian Female
K'rin Lieutenant Engineering Marooned (VOY#14) Starfleet ? Male
Kyoto Ensign Science Eye Of The Needle Starfleet Human Female
Laek Ensign ? The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Male
Lang Ensign Ops Displaced Starfleet Human Female
Lang, Timothy Ensign Security Relativity Starfleet Human Male
Larson Crewman Engineering Displaced Starfleet Human Male
LeFevre, Nate ? ? Mosaic Starfleet Human Male
Lewis Crewman ? Meld ? Human ?
Li Wong Ensign Engineering Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Starfleet Human Female
Lowry-Johnson, June Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Female
Lyman, Josh Lieutenant ? Imperfection Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371?
MacAllister Ensign ? The Fight ? Human Male
Maceda ? ? The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Male
Macormac Ensign ? Innocence Starfleet Human Female
Madalone, Dennis Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Mandel, Daphne Ensign Stellar Cartography Cybersong (VOY#8) Starfleet Human Female Remained in the Delta Quadrant with the entity they encountered
Mannus Ensign Ops Relativity Starfleet Human Male
Martin Ensign Transporter Chief Warlord Starfleet Human Male KIA 2373 "Warlord"
Mayer, Michael Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
McCabe ? ? The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Male
McCarthy, Dennis Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
McGarry, Leo Lieutenant Commander ? Imperfection Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371?
McKay Lieutenant Tactical Marooned (VOY#14) Starfleet Human Male
McKenzie, William Crewman Security The Cloud Starfleet Human Male
McMann Crewman ? The Haunting….. ? Human Male
Mendez Crewman Engineering Nightingale Starfleet Human Male
Mitchell Crewman Junction Operator Good Shepherd Starfleet Human Male
Mkubata Ensign Ops Cybersong (VOY#8) Starfleet Human Male
Molina Ensign Ops Displaced Starfleet Human Male
Moore, Tom Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Morganstern ? Bio Lab Her Klingon Soul (Day Of Honor #3) Starfleet Human Female
Mulcahey Ensign Engineering Drone Starfleet Human Male
Murphy Ensign Science Prime Factors Starfleet Human Male
Murphy Ensign Security Basics Starfleet Human Male
Navarro Ensign Security Violations (Voy#4) Starfleet Human Male
Neelix Crewman Cook Caretaker Other Talaxian Male
Ngara, Richard ? Conn Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Maquis Human Male
Nguyen Liutenant Conn Marooned (VOY#14) Starfleet Human Female
Nicoletti, Susan Crewman Engineering Twisted Starfleet Human Female
Nozawa, Kashimuro Ensign Ops Phage Starfleet Human Male
O'Donnell Crewman Ops Worst Case Scenario Maquis Human Male
Ogdanovich, Pietr ? Weapons station Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Starfleet Human Male
Onasis, Dimitri ? Systems station Incident At Arbuk (VOY#5) Starfleet Human Male
Orlando, David Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Male
Ortega Ensign ? Cybersong (VOY#8) Starfleet Human Male
Paisner ? Stellar Cartography Her Klingon Soul (Day Of Honor #3) Starfleet Human Male
Pao Ensign Security The Garden (VOY#11) Maquis Human Female
Paris, Tom Lieutenant Conn Caretaker Starfleet Human Male
Parsons, Michael Ensign Command Phage Starfleet Human Male
Parvoneh Ensign Conn Echoes Starfleet Human? Female
Peterson, Sandra Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Female
Platt, Jerry Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Male
Porter, Amanda Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Female
Quarante ? Technician The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Male
Quizzlink Charlie Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Male
Renehan Ensign ? The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Female
Reynolds, Tony Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Male
Robertson Crewman ? Someone to watch.. ? Human ?
Rockefeller, Keith Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Male
Rodriguez Ensign Security The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet Human Female
Rogers Crewman ? Meld ? Human ?
Rollins Ensign Tactical Officer Caretaker Starfleet Human Male
Rosa, George Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Male
Ryson Ensign ? Infinite regress Starfleet Human ?
Sachlova, Joie Ensign ? The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Female
Schoolcraft, John Crewman ? Non Sequitur Starfleet Human Male
S'dbrg ? ? The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet ? ?
Seaborn, Sam Crewman ? Imperfection Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371?
Seska Ensign Engineering Parallax Maquis Bajoran Female KIA 2372 "Basics"
Sharr, Renlay Ensign Command Latent Image Starfleet Human Female
Shimizu, Sizi Liutenant ? The Killing Game Starfleet Human Female
Speckman, Gary Crewman Engineering Projections Starfleet Human Male
Stadi Liutenant Conn Caretaker Caretaker (VOY#1) Starfleet Betazoid Female KIA 2371 "Caretaker"
Starr, Julie Ensign ? Echoes Starfleet Human Female
Stephens Ensign Ops Ghost Of A Chance (VOY#7) Starfleet Human Male
Sternbach, Rick Ensign ? The Killing Game Starfleet Human Male
Stevenson Liutenant ? The Black Shore (VOY#13) Starfleet Human Male
Stimson, Mark Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Stipes, David Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Stradling, Michael Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Strickler Ensign Command Year Of Hell Starfleet Human Male
Suder, Lon Crewman Engineering Meld Maquis Betazoid Male KIA 2372 "Basics"
Surma, Ron Crewman ? Projections Starfleet Human Male
Swift Crewman ? Waking Moments ? Human ?
Swinn Ensign Engineering Tuvix Starfleet Human Female
Tabor Ensign Engineering Nothing Human Maquis Bajoran Male
Tal Celes Crewman Engineering Good Shepherd Starfleet Bajoran Female
Tala Ensign Transporter chief Violations (Voy#4) Starfleet Bajoran Female
Telfer, William Crewman Science Good Shepherd Starfleet Human Male
The Doctor Doctor Sickbay Caretaker Starfleet Hologram Male
Thompson Crewman Engineering The Fight Starfleet Human Male
Thoms, Bill Crewman Engineering Projections Starfleet Human Male
Torres, B'Elanna Lieutenant Engineering Caretaker Maquis Human/Klingon Female
T'Prena Nurse Nurse Caretaker Caretaker (VOY#1) Starfleet Vulcan Female KIA 2371 "Caretaker"
Trexis ? ? Her Klingon Soul (Day Of Honor #3) Maquis Bajoran Male
Trumari Ensign ? The Haunting….. ? Human ?
Tukwila, Susan Ensign Science The Black Shore (VOY#13) Maquis Human Female KIA 2373 "The Black Shore"
Tuvok Lieutenant Tactical Officer Caretaker Starfleet Vulcan Male
U'Lanai Officer ? The Haunting….. ? ? ?
Weiss Lieutenant ? The Haunting….. ? Human ?
White Crewman Science Bliss ? Human Female
Wildman,Naomi Crewman Child Deadlock Other Human/Ktarian Female
Wildman, Samantha Ensign Science Elogium Starfleet Human Female
Vorik Ensign Engineering Fair Trade Starfleet Vulcan Male
Wu ? Engineering Her Klingon Soul (Day Of Honor #3) Starfleet Human Male
Yarro Ensign Enviromental station Violations (Voy#4) Starfleet Human Female
Yosa Crewman Engineering Repression Maquis Human Male
Yoshiko ? ? The Garden (VOY#11) Starfleet Human Male
Young, Charles Crewman ? Imperfection Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371?
Ziegler, Toby Lieutenant Commander ? Imperfection Starfleet Human Male KIA 2371?




Additional crewmembers

Here are the crewmembers who joined after 2373 

Name Rank Description Episode Book Category Race Gender Notes
Seven Of Nine Crewman Astrometics Scorpion Other Borg Female
Icheb Crewman Child Collective Other Borg Male
Azan Crewman Child Collective Other Borg Male Left Voyager in 2377
Mezoti Crewman Child Collective Other Borg Female Left Voyager in 2377
Rebi Crewman Child Collective Other Borg Male Left Voyager in 2377
Borg baby Crewman Child Collective Other Borg Female Left Voyager in 2387
Gilmore, Marla Crewman ? Equinox Equinox crewmember Human Female
Lessing, Noah Crewman ? Equinox Equinox crewmember Human Male
Morrow, James Crewman ? Equinox Equinox crewmember Human Male
Sofin, Brian Crewman ? Equinox Equinox crewmember Human Male
Tassoni, Angelo Crewman ? Equinox Equinox crewmember Human Male

