Happy New Year ***
Happy New Year to all fans of Kes and Star
Trek Voyager!
New maps have been added
I've taken
the liberty to add new maps for seasons 1-3.
The new ones are actually the Star Charts maps from the book Star Charts by
Geoffrey Mandel which was published in 2002.
However, I've taken the liberty to slightly edit some of them to add events and
places from the Voyager books and also corrected some errors from the book, like
the location of Talax which in the book were far away from Voyager's route, thus
omitting the events in the episode "Jetrel".
My future plans are to include the season 4-7 maps as well and maybe also add
some maps for the location of places in the Kes stories on this site.
If there are any problems with copyrights or so, please contact me.
20th Anniversary celebrations
The Kes Website recently celebrated its 20th Anniversary. You can read all about the celerbrations here!
New maps will be the next project
OK, I know
that the Kes Website has been rather quiet the recent time which has been
because a lot of work in my daily life. But now the worst workload is sorted out
and I will get more time for this site again.
New maps for Voyager's run through the Delta Quadrant will be the next thing
coming up in the near weeks.
Another new Kes story!
We kick
off the new year with another new Kes story!
Our colleague and co-writer Marcus Mathys has provided us with another story
about Our Favorite Ocampa and her ongoing adventures. In the story "The Blue
Flower Of Freedom, Kes must overcome her greatest challenge. The story is
available in English and German at the Kes Stories
New Kes story!
Marcus Mathys, who recently came up with the German translations of the Kes stories on this site has written a story about Kes which takes place in the timeline for the stories on this site. In the story, Kes travels back to Ocampa to save her home world. The story is available at the Kes Stories page and also available in German.
Kes stories in German
Thanks to good friend Marc Mathys in Switzerland who have made a splendid translation job, the stories about Kes at the Kes Stories page are now also available in German. The links can be found under the English information. The text documents are in PDF-files.
Many updates and a new page
A new page has been added to the Kes website. The Voyager Birthdays page which contains the birthdays of the main characters. The page has been made after some serious research on different websites. Information from official sources, Memory Alpha, Memory Beta, a Stardate calculator and some imagination as well.
Due to new facts revealed during the research a few other things has been updated as well. Due to new facts about Kes's birthday and Kim's birthday, some updates have been made to the Timeline, the Star Charts, the Episode Guide and the Book Reviews. The most important updates are about the episode Parallax, the events in the book "The Black Shore" which include new facts about Harry Kim's birthday, the Stardate for the episode "Twisted" which includes new facts on Kes's birthday as well. According to Memory Beta, the events in the episode "Twisted" occurs on Stardate 48945.8 which is 12 December. Therefore Kes's birthday should be celbrated on 12 December instead of 17 December as we had stated before.
Anyway, as you all can see, the Kes website is constantly developing and we hope to come up with more brilliant ideas and projects in the future!
So you admit that yo've
been celebrating my birthday on the wrong day for many years? Shame on you! I'm
But nice that you have admitted it and corrected it. Now I expect a special
birthday celebration next 12 December.
It was twenty years ago today....
On 16 January 1995, "Caretaker", the first episode of Voyager was aired on the UPN network. So we thought that it was time for a little celebration with a re-edition of The Beatles song Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band:
It was twenty years ago today
Captain Janeway taught her crew to play
They've been going in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile
So may I introduce to you
The act you've known for all these years
Captain Janeway's Voyager Club Band
We're Captain Janeway's Voyager Club Band
We hope you will enjoy the show
We're Captain Janeway's Voyager Club Band
Sit back and let the evening go
Captain Janeway's Voyager, Captain Janeway's Voyager
Captain Janeway's Voyager Club Band
It's wonderful to be here in the DQ
It's certainly a thrill
You're such a lovely audience
We'd like to take you home to Earth
We'd love to take you home
I don't really want to stop the show
But I thought that you might like to know
That the crew is going to sing a song
And they wants you all to sing along
So let me introduce to you
The one and only Starfleet-Maquis crew
Captain Janeway's Voyager Club Band
The Voyager crew celebrates the twenty year anniversary
We are back-on a new address!
We'll, it has been a month full of events, the most relevant and interesting is that we are now on a new location at InstaFree.
The reason for the move of the site is the virus problem which occurred on our former location at Byethost.
All of a sudden, the webmaster of this site discovered that the Avast anti-virus program (very efficient!) warned for malware and closed down the Kes Website everytime he tried to access it. Further investigation revealed that the Kes Website was blacklisted on several sites due to malware. We also found out that we had "dissapeared" from almost all search engines. A terrible situation for us and a serious blow for our reputation, to say the least.
Since there were no malware to be found on the original files on the webmaster's computer, the problem had to be at Byethost. The problem was reported but after two weeks, nothing has happened. At that point we decided to close down the site.
The search for a new web host started immediately but after the recent experiences with web hosts which are not too serious, we wanted to find a reliable one. After some weeks where we did find a few reliable ones, we did settle for InstaFree and also managed to create a domain name at frrenom.com.
So after more than a month, the Kew Website is finally back online! So there is really a reason to celebrate!
Kes and the Voyager crew members celebrate the re-opening of the website
Everyone who have moved from one place to another knows that there might be some things which aren't completely in order the first time after the move. So if you find some dead links or missing images, then send us a mail.
We haven't found a solution yet for the Stardate clock and we have also removed the Concentration game on the Games page due to the same problems as for the Stardate clock. The applets are old and doesn't work with current versions of Java. We're working on the problem but it might take some time to solve. The same for the Downloads, there are some things we have to sort out there.
All other features, such as the Photo gallery, reviews, Kes stories, maps and such are were they should be, all for your enjyment
So welcome back all Kes fans and Voyager fans and enjoy your visit to the Kes Website at the new location!
InstaFree is the place to go!
Lucy Janeway and Nicole Janeway
Some information about Lucy Janeway and Nicole Janeway have been added to the "Voyager's Mysteries-and how to solve them" page.
Problems with Java-applets
Not only the Stardate clock but also the Kes concentration game has been affected by Oracle's new rigid policy for Java applets. Or to put it simple, it just don't work anymore. As for the Stardate clock, we are trying to find a solution to the problem but it may take some time.
Stardate clock temporarily deleted
We have had some problems with the Stardate clock on the index page so it has been temporarily deleted while we work on the problem.
The problem is located to recent version of Java (Version 7 update 25) which makes the Stardate clock unavailable on computers which have the recent Java version. We're still working on a solution, most likely a non Java-based Stardate clock.
Successful Janeway campaign
As we all know now. Janeway is back in the Star Trek books which once again has proved that resistance is not futile. There's always a way to change things by speaking out and protest.
Very informative video clip about Kes
A very informative video clip about Our Favorite Ocampa can be found at this site. Some good comments about Kes and her interaction with the other Voyager characters and some of the best scenes with Kes too.
Old site cancelled
Finally! After more than six months I managed to log in to the old website so I could remove it from its former location and inform visitors of the current location of the Kes Website. So now things are back in order and we can focus on essential things which are Kes and Star Trek Voyager.
Update about Tom Paris and Nick Locarno
A short update about the Tom Paris-Nick Locarno puzzle can be found here.
The crew celebrates New Year and the relocation of the website
New Year-and a new start for the Kes Website
Those who have got the news and are visiting this site are aware of the fact that the Kes Website has moved and is now at a new place, at Byethost.
The reason for the move has nothing to do with celebrating the New Year or a deliberate "relaunch" for the Kes Website. It was because our former host 110mb.com after two years of great hosting of the site suddenly turned into something like an abandoned ship. All of a sudden it was impossible to log in and edit the site, it was impossible to get in touch with those in charge of the site and it was impossible to get any information about the reasons for the blackout. Even their main site dissapeared for a while. The only information available was a Facebook-site and there weren't much information there either.
After two months of failed logins and no replies to the e-mails I'd sent, I decided that enough was enough and started to look for another webhost. After spending the weeks before Christmas comparing the webhosts available, I settled for Byethost where many "survivors" from Geocities have landed. Let's hope that this place will be the permanent place for the Kes Website for many years to come.
There is a slight problem though, the old site is still located at 110mb and since it's impossible to edit the site with information of the new location or delete the site, the old site will remain there as a wrecked ship which will lead some visitors to the wrong conclusion that the Kes Website is no longer updated and maintained. So to you who read this, spread the word about the relocation of the site.
There are also a few changes to the site. Most of the text has now Verdana fonts instead of Times New Roman fonts and I've also changed the site to a frame-based site in order to make the site more easy-read and more easy to navigate. Those changes were planned and would have been made earlier if it had been possible to edit the site at the old location.
Anyway, welcome to the relocated Kes Website!
Kes: "Now where is the way to byethost.com? Ah, there it is!"
The crew are celebrating the move of the website
"Now Kes is here, where she belong
and the rest of us can't be wrong
Just as long as we're singing this song, we're all smiling in tune!"
Kes-A Major Fancy
A friend of mine told me about a song called "Kes-A Major Fancy" by John Lees, a member of a 70:s band called Barclay James Harvest. Afetr listening to the song, which I like but which actually has nothing to do with Our Favorite Ocampa (I think it has something to do with John Lees saving a wounded kestrel), I decided to put an excerpt of the song on the website because Kes-A Major Fancy is actually what this site is all about. Enjoy!
"I like the song. It's beautiful!"
New pictures added
Spring is here and after some time of quiet and no action at all on this website (for which I do feel some remorse but it had to do with my working situation) the time is right for some updates on the Kes Website. As a start of a project which will add some interesting information about Our Favorite Ocampa and some nice pictures as well, I will start with adding a few new pictures of Kes to Room 10 of the Photo Gallery!
For those who miss the "Style Ocampa" site
I guess some of you remember Style Ocampa, the website about Kes's different outfits. It was wiped out when Geocities closed but some of the content is available thanks to the Internet Archive. Feel free to take a look.
"It's great that I managed to find the captain's coffeemaker so I can have some coffee while I check if there's anything new on my website."
The Ocampa Seal and Flag
A while ago, I found the Ocampa seal on a website. To be honest, I don't know if this logo appeared in any episode or if it's the imagination of some Ocampa fan. But it looks good.
Therefore I decided to create an Ocampa flag!
Jennifer Lien at the 2010 Vegas Convention
Jennifer Lien will make an appearance at The Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas 5-8 August.
More about the convention here.
A new decade with Kes
So now it's 2010, or more correctly Stardate -313031.07 and the Kes Website is entering another decade. Well, Voyager is no longer in production and the only thing we got is re-runs of the show. But there are a lot of people out there who are fans of the show. For them and especially for the fans of Our Favorite Ocampa, this site will continue to deliver interesting things and new items.
The Kes Website enters a new decade
Good websites gone
When I checked the links recently, I discovered that some really good websites are gone, due to Yahoo's greed and narrow-minded thinking. The decision of closing down Geocities and the free websites there annihilated excellent sites, such as Style Ocampa, the site about Kes's different outfits and The Mikejonas FAQ which had some valuable information about the series.
On the other hand, new , good websites are showing up too, like the Kes Army site which takes off where Style Ocampa ended. And there are still a lot off good websites available for the Kes fans and Star Trek fans in common.
Check out the links here.
New Kes story
As a part of the anniversary, a new story about Kes is presented here. It's called Kes's Vacation and is about Kes joining Janeway and the Voyager crew for a diplomatic mission and ends up on a strange planet with a deadly secret.
The 10 year anniversary
The Kes Website celebrated its 10th anniversary the 9th of June. Yes, this site has been going for 10 years now. More about the anniversary here.
The 10th anniversary of the Kes Website was celebrated by adding a 10th room in the Kes Photo Gallery!
Kes looks at the website
Kes: "Captain, I just realized that it's the TEN YEAR anniversary of the Kes Website! Isn't it wonderful?"
Voyager maps
Voyager season 1-3 maps can be found here.
Kes on YouTube
A nice picture slideshow with Our Favorite Ocampa can be found at YouTube Watch and enjoy!
And this little movie is simply a masterpiece! Wonderful song! (OK, they could have left out that scene from "The Gift")
Recent important updates
Kes stories in German (April 2015)
Birthdays page and other updates (March 2015)
WEBSITE MOVED AGAIN (September 2014)
Informative video clip of Kes added (August 2012)
Voyagermysteries page updated (March 2012)
WEBSITE MOVED! (January 2012)
New pictures added (April 2011)
Information about Style Ocampa site (December 2010)
Ocampa Seal and Ocampa flag added (July 2010)
Links site updated again (March 2010)
Convention information (February 2010)
Links site updated (November 2009)
A page about the Janeway campaign has been added (May 2009)
Yes, the Kes Website has moved, from Geocities to 110mb (May 2009)
Voyager season 1-3 maps have been added (January 2009)
An update of the crew list some corrections and with characters who arrived after 2173 added. (July 2008)
Convention news added (June 2008)
Convention news and crewlist added. (March 2008)
Convention news and some adjustments to the "Voyager Mysteries" site. (February 2008)
Timeline adjustded (considering the book "Echoes").( August 2007)
Some "place in the timeline" comments have been added to the book reviews. (May 2007)
The name of the site has been changed to The Kes Website! (May 2007)
Voyager's end and the future of Kes
The year 2001 was not a good year for us Kes fans. Kes didn't show up in the final episode of Voyager, or any Voyager episode in the seventh season. No letter campaigns or any other attempts to persuade the arrogant and big-headed fools in charge of the Star Trek Empire helped.
Voyager also ended in a total confusion with the horrible episode "Endgame", leaving many fans angry and dissapointed. What a sad end for a series that started so good and could have been the best SF-series ever.
As for the character Kes we can only hope that the damage made to that character in crap episodes like "The Gift" and "Fury" can be corrected in upcoming Voyager books. Kes was too good to be shoved aside like a piece of garbage because of mistakes made by The Idiots In Charge of the Star Trek Empire. We want the real Kes back to Star Trek Voyager, no matter if it is in upcoming books, possible movies or fanfiction. We will not accept the way Kes was treated in crap episodes like "The Gift" and "Fury".
As we see it, this is not the end. This site will remain on the net for all to find the truth about was really happened to Kes and why actress Jennifer Lien was so brutally fired. The truth will be there for coming generations of Voyager fans who search for Kes.
We will continue to make updates to this site when we find some interesting news about Kes and Jennifer Lien (upcoming conventions and other stuff). Now when Voyager has ended it will be some reconstruction on this site. More information about Jennifer Lien and her other projects, maybe some sort of campaign for a return of the character Kes in upcoming Star Trek books and possible movies and so on.
It might seem futile to some of those who visits this site but we will keep the memory of Kes alive for coming generations even when Voyager has ended. This is not the end, only the end of the beginning.
Never surrender! The crusade continues!
The Lynx crew.
Basic information about this site
So why so much fuss about someone who isn’t in Star Trek Voyager anymore and what about this Lynx thing? There hasn’t been anything called Lynx in Star Trek Voyager ever.
Well, to make a short story out of it: It started with one of the persons responsible for this site who once started to write a story about a Maquis ship stranded on a rather undeveloped planet where it was caught in a conflict between two hostile nations. The Maquis ship was called the Lynx and had a crew with some really interesting characters. However, after seeing the first episodes of Voyager, this author became a Voyager "addict" and a Kes fan. When he heard about how Kes had been deleted from Voyager, he decided to write a story about her return to Voyager and, when doing that he put in this Maquis crew and also some rearranged parts of the original story.
In the end of 1998 some of us were really frustrated about the absence of Kes in Star Trek Voyager and the development of the show. So we decided to create a Kes page.
During the spring of 1999 the author of the "Coming Home"-story had got tired of trying to sell his story to Paramount and the company responsible for the Star Trek books (obviously it’s easier to break into Fort Knox than to take some creative ideas into the Star Trek Universe) and therefore decided to put it out on this website instead, maybe to some consolation for other frustrated Kes fans. A later attempt in 2000 to sell the story to Paramount didn't suceed either, nor did any attempts from other writers who tried to send in stories about a Kes come-back. The people in charge of Star Trek Voyager simply didn't want Kes back!
The site was recently re-named The Kes website since the site has become more than just a photo gallery. Therefore the change. The Kes Photo Gallery actually remains as a part of the website. The references to a mysterious Lynx Empire sounds more exciting than any other common name. And to be honest, we have come up with a solution how Kes can come back to Voyager and as long as the so called creative staff at Paramount doesn’t have any better ideas, our solution is the one that counts. After all, our story might be the right story while the "official" Voyager episodes might take place in another universe or........... (time for speculation)
Unfortunately, our efforts to bring back Kes to Voyager has failed. But we will continue to keep the legend of Kes alive.
We will come back with news and information from time to time on this page. Until then, enjoy your stay in the Lynx Empire and visit the Gallery.